With every moment that a stroke goes untreated, the nercous tissue in the brain rapidly and irreversibly becomes damaged. Telestroke is a module of functionality designed to bring care teams together for rapid treatment.

Project Type

Webapp design

Key Experience Goal

Time to care

The Challenge

With every moment that a stroke goes untreated, the nercous tissue in the brain rapidly and irreversibly becomes damaged.

Care teams need to be able to begin organizing and assessing from the moment the ambulance arrives to the patients location in order to deliver care in the quickets time possible. To do this they need mobile, accessible solutions which provide quick highlights of available specialists, and intuitive assessment and collaboration tools.

The Solution

Telestroke from anywhere

Care teams in a Telestroke use case can provide specialty stroke care with this module of functionality including;
- Telestroke intake forms
- Thrombolytic Decision and administration forms
- NIHSS questionnaire and image library for presentation and assessment during video calls
- Clinical times counting both up from time last known well, and down based on limits for time based marker milestones which will impact the care teams ability to deliver some medication
- Integrated PACS imaging
- General team collaboration tools like attachments and notes

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