Experience Reviews


Contact me today and let’s review your current experience and develop a strategy to scale your users’ success.


Summary of overall experience and market fit.

Heuristic review – a benchmark of common principles and mistakes in user experience visually reviewing the application and noting defects or areas of opportunity.

Functional review – examining if user expectations are met and aligned with the system and all features work fully as intended, noting bugs and defects.

User review – benchmark assessment of your product with a screened representative audience sample, summarizing the findings of qualitative and quantitative measures into weighted suggestions.

Experience strategy – UX foundation maturity assessment and prioritized actionable suggestions for assets or interventions based on your organization’s growth stage and funding.


Generated a benchmark assessment of a recruitment identity, skill and employment history verification product platform geared at the US market to complement existing job boards.

Client Feedback;

  • “Thank you for the very detailed quality report – I am pleased with your work. I went through the report and it appeared that you covered it in a very detailed manner and we really need someone like you! Thank you for your time overall, it’s been a good help and a great pleasure knowing you.” – Ravi

Interested in working together? Contact me below.